========================================================== Inner Canyon visitor use area closures related to the Transcanyon Waterline Construction project:
Construction areas and schedule are subject to change. More information about construction closures is available at www.nps.gov/grca/getinvolved/tcwl.htm ========================================================== Photo Gallery Inner Canyon Trail Closures, 2...1 Images This album contains detailed maps showing inner canyon trail closures along the Bright Angel Trail below Havasupai Gardens along with the Plateau Point Trail, and the detour routes to access the Tonto East and Tonto West trails. Additional maps, when updated, will include the Silver Bridge, and Phantom Ranch area. Backcountry Status Updates (listed by date posted):Average temperatures, weather information and road conditions can be found on the Weather Conditions page.
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Drinking Water in the Cross-Canyon Corridor Grand Canyon's water supply comes from Roaring Springs, a natural spring located approximately 3,500 feet below the North Rim. Water is delivered via an aging waterline that suffers multiple breaks a year. When the waterline breaks, water stops flowing to the North and South Rims and sites along the way. Although large storage tanks provide ample water to rim locations, while the waterline is being repaired water may or may not be available below the rim in the cross-canyon Corridor. When hiking below the rim a method to treat water must ALWAYS be part of your hiking gear. Information on how to treat water at www.nps.gov/grca/planyourvisit/safe-water.htm The list below shows the locations where pre-treated, drinking water is available
Seasonal water stations are usually turned off for the winter sometime between Oct 10th and 30th dependent on location and associated temperatures. Water available (year-round) on the South Rim at the Backcountry Information Center in the lobby. Water available (year-round) on the North Rim outside the NPS Admin Building. Additional water bottle filling stations can be found on the Go "Green" and Refill Your Water Bottles web page. Plan Ahead and Prepare: A backup method to treat water must always be included as part of your hiking gear. Backcountry hikers should always carry extra water. Backcountry Status and Trail Conditions CLOSURE INFORMATION
Note: The current bypass route around Phantom Ranch is subject to change. Please observe all closure areas and signs. The bypass route is clearly marked. No hikers or other trail users will be allowed to pass through closure areas under any circumstances. The National Park Service emphasizes the importance of always staying on designated trails, and visitors should not attempt to go over or around a closure. Trail users should pay attention to directions from park rangers, volunteers, construction flaggers, and signs placed along the trail. The upper portion of the Bright Angel Trail, from the South Rim to Havasupai Gardens, and the Tonto Trail will remain open. The South Kaibab Trail is open. Horses/stock on the Inner Canyon Corridor. Be sure to check with the Backcountry Information Center prior to entering the inner canyon with stock. Rockslides and trail washouts can make trails impassible to stock. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ribbon Falls Bridge has been removed due to damage. Until the bridge is replaced, visitors will be asked to stay on the North Kaibab Trail and travel safely in this area. The park intends to replace the bridge so Ribbon Falls can be safely accessed. The Cave of the Domes is closed to protect roosting bats and other sensitive cave resources. Bats are particularly sensitive to human disturbance and will abandon roost sites. As a reminder all caves in Grand Canyon National Park are closed to protect sensitive resources. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hiking the Corridor? Be sure to visit the Trail Courtesy Practices That Leave No Trace webpage. Organized Group Rim-to-Rim and Extended Day Hike/Run: Any organized, non-commercial group of 12-30 participants, or not-for-profit group conducting rim-to-rim, rim-to-rim-to-rim, rim-to-river-to-rim, and/or extended day hikes in the inner canyon must obtain a Special Use Permit (SUP). The inner canyon is defined as the area below the Tonto Platform from the South Rim and below Manzanita Resthouse from the North Rim. Groups may not break into smaller groups on different permits to accommodate group size. Commercial operations are not authorized under this SUP. For more information visit www.nps.gov/grca/parkmgmt/sup.htm Report from the North Rim The North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park is closed for the season. For information on visiting the North Rim, go to: www.nps.gov/grca/planyourvisit/north-rim.htm Road Conditions for Remote Trailheads Check with the Backcountry Information Center for the latest known road conditions prior to heading out to remote trailheads. Havasupai tribal boundary at junction with Forest Service Road 328 closed until further notice. Visitors heading out to South Bass should contact the Backcountry Information Center prior to departure. For specific information about Havasupai land, contact Havasupai Tribe, PO Box 10, Supai, Arizona 86435. Email: info@havasupai-nsn.gov Phone: 928-433-8130 Driving Muddy Roads Prohibited. Operating a motor vehicle on muddy roads, or in a manner that damages roads or park resources, is prohibited. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- After heavy summer rain (July and August) or winter snow (December through March), expect impassable backcountry roads. If clear skies abound after the rain or snow, then it is often just a matter of days until the sun dries everything out. Sometimes, heavy rain or melting snow can lead to flooding, which can cause erosion of the roadbed and can delay access. Other considerations for visitors travelling on remote backcountry roads include high clearance, such as may be needed on Forest Road 328 to South Bass Trailhead (limestone ledges) and on the final approach to Toroweap overlook (sandstone knobs and ledges). Finally, consider elevation of the road that you will be travelling on, especially during the winter months. Roads in the 6,500 to 8,000 foot range may be impassable due to a snowpack, where lower elevations roads (below 6,000 feet) will see deteriorated road conditions due to rain. Always check road conditions with the Backcountry Information Center before heading out to remote trailheads, tell someone where you are going and when you will be back, and be adaptable and prepared for the worst. High clearance, four-wheel drive is usually recommended for roads to remote trailheads. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It is not uncommon for trees to fall and block access to remote trailheads. When you encounter a road blocked by fallen trees, what should you do?
Summer Heat Warning The National Park Service urges SPECIAL CAUTION for all hikers during the summer months. Individual days can reach a high of 115°F (46°C) or higher. These temperatures are beyond unpleasant or uncomfortable-they are, in fact, dangerous and if you fail to factor the heat into your plans the results could be tragic. It's hot down there! Manage the heat for a safe hike.
Video: HIKE SMART: Your Essential Guide to Hiking in Grand Canyon video. Explore how to have a safe and unforgettable adventure here in Grand Canyon, including tips from our experts on preparedness, hydration, and hiking in the heat. Phantom Ranch weather at https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?site=fgz&textField1=36.1050&textField2=-112.0940 Grand Canyon National Park Recreational Forecast at https://www.weather.gov/fgz/recreation?location=GrandCanyon Tuweep Update Visitors to Tuweep, including all park areas within Toroweap Valley and on the Kanab Plateau, must have (1) a Park Pass with Photo ID and (2) a Day Permit or Backcountry Permit. These are not available on site and must be purchased prior to trip. A backcountry permit is required for Tuweep Campground (TCG). Driving Muddy Roads Prohibited. Plan your visit around a dry weather forecast. Operating a motor vehicle on muddy roads, or in a manner that damages roads or park resources, is prohibited. For Tuweeep info visit https://go.nps.gov/tuweep Tuweep Day Permits available at Recreation.gov https://www.recreation.gov/timed-entry/10089462 Park entrance pass info at www.nps.gov/grca/planyourvisit/fees.htm Be Aware of Lightning Danger Typically late May and early June are dry and hot with heat related illness as the top safety concern for hikers. It is never too early though to start thinking about lightning as a rogue weather system can manifest during any month, bringing with it a risk of lightning. Summer storms typically ramp up in late June or early July. These daily thunderstorms are often accompanied by cold, hard rain which can lead to flash flooding as well as frequent lightning. Visitors walking and hiking in the park are reminded that if they can hear thunder, they should consider ending outdoor activities. If the sound of thunder follows a lightning flash within 30 seconds, seek shelter inside a building or vehicle. If this is not possible, move well away from high points such as ridges and the edge of the canyon. Do not seek shelter beneath tall trees. More information can be found on the Lightning Danger web page (www.nps.gov/grca/planyourvisit/lightning-danger.htm). South Kaibab Trailhead Access NOTE: There is ***NO PARKING ALLOWED*** at the South Kaibab Trailhead. Hikers must park their vehicles elsewhere. DO NOT PARK at the South Kaibab trailhead. If you drive beyond the "Do Not Enter" signs, and park at the trailhead, you WILL get a ticket. You can either walk to the South Kaibab Trailhead or take a park shuttle bus. Two park bus routes stop at the trailhead. The Hikers' Express bus starts at the Bright Angel Lodge, then travels to the Backcountry Office, the Visitor Center, and the South Kaibab trailhead. The bus runs daily. The Kaibab Rim Route (Orange Route) eastbound operates daily. Hikers can park at the Grand Canyon Visitor Center and access the South Kaibab Trailhead via the Kaibab Rim Route (Orange Route). Visit the Shuttle Buses page for schedules and more info. Hermit Trailhead Access From Mar 1 to Nov 30, Hermit Road is closed to private vehicles. A numerical code is required to open the gate giving access to Hermit Road. Hikers with a valid backcountry permit who are beginning or ending their hike via the Hermit Trail will be permitted to park at the Hermit trailhead. The Backcountry Information Center will provide the gate access code when the backcountry permit is issued. The Hermit Road shuttle between South Rim Village and Hermit Rest and the Hermit trailhead is operational Mar 1 to Nov 30. The Hermit Road Shuttle is free. Visit the Shuttle Buses page for schedules and more info. Weather dependent, Hermit Road is open to all private vehicles Dec 1 to Feb 28. Be aware that in wintertime inclement weather can cause Hermit Road to close with little notice as storms move through the area. Always check with the Backcountry Information Center regarding the wintertime status of Hermit Road or call 928-638-7496 for updated road conditions. Drinking Water outside the Cross-Canyon Corridor Hikers should make every effort to obtain recent confirmation of water availability and become familiar with routes to the river before starting any hike. Contact the Backcountry Information Center for recent water reports. Water available (year-round) on the South Rim at the Backcountry Information Center and at Hermits Rest (near the other public amenities). Water available (year-round) on the North Rim outside the Backcountry Information Center. Additional water bottle filling stations can be found on the Go "Green" and Refill Your Water Bottles web page. How to contact the Backcountry Information CenterThe South Rim Backcountry Information Center is open daily from 8 am to noon and 1-5 pm Mountain Standard Time. The North Rim Backcountry Information Center is open daily mid-May to October 31 from 8 am to noon and 1-5 pm Mountain Standard Time. Backcountry Information Center staff answer information telephone inquiries at 928-638-7875 between 8 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday, except on federal holidays. Email the Backcountry Information Center Mailing address is:
Trip Planner (2mb PDF file): The information in this newspaper can assist you in obtaining a backcountry use permit. Video: HIKE SMART: Your Essential Guide to Hiking in Grand Canyon video. Explore how to have a safe and unforgettable adventure here in Grand Canyon, including tips from our experts on preparedness, hydration, and hiking in the heat. Video: Hiking Grand Canyon, Prepare for Backpacking. This video is designed to help you plan for and enjoy your hike into the canyon's harsh, yet fragile, environment. Video: Leave No Trace. All Grand Canyon backcountry users are asked to follow Leave No Trace principles. The goal is to have minimum human impact on the canyon as a result of your trip. The Grand Canyon Conservancy sells maps and guides on hiking in Grand Canyon National Park. Additional backcountry info can be found on the following webpages. |
Last updated: February 7, 2025
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